— CH Barons

C H Barons is a well-established construction company specializing in carpentry.

ch barons hero image

The Client

C H Barons Ltd is an established carpentry-based construction company located in the picturesque South Hams region. With over 19 years of experience, they have built a solid reputation for delivering top-notch craftsmanship, where their unwavering attention to detail takes precedence.

The Challenge

With no existing online presence or branding, it was crucial to portray C H Barons as a firmly established and experienced carpentry company. The website needed to be fast, efficient, and, above all, easy to update and maintain for the team.

The Solution

I created a monogram-style brand mark that is responsive and adaptable across various sizes and mediums, including branded clothing. The website was developed using the Kirby CMS, providing the team with a remarkably fast, efficient, and user-friendly platform for future website maintenance.

Visit Website
  • Client

    CH Barons

  • Services

    Design, Development, Branding

  • Year


ch barons homepage design

At the core of this project is an unwavering emphasis on showcasing the exceptional craftsmanship of CH Barons.

ch barons page design 1
ch barons page design 2
ch barons branding

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Immediate Theatre

Immediate theatre hero