— MCG Electrical

Experienced Electrical Contractor & Maintenance Organisation based in Gloucestershire.

mcg electrical hero

The Client

MCG Electrical Contractors are a fully accredited, experienced electrical contractors and maintenance organisation based in Gloucestershire and now working at a local and national level across a variety of sectors, including commercial, residential, care, hospitality and manufacturing.

The Challenge

MCG Electrical had an outdated and basic website that provided little benefit to the company. It was crucial to showcase the high-end nature of their work through the design and effectively convey the breadth of their abilities within the electrical contracting sector.

The Solution

To elevate MCG Electrical above the competition, I implemented a high-end finish to the website. I utilized a strong yet neutral color scheme and structured the content in an easy-to-digest manner, allowing users to navigate through the company's extensive offerings quickly and effortlessly. Additionally, I completely redesigned the brandmark to convey a strong and technical appearance while ensuring responsiveness across various sizes and mediums.

  • Client

    MCG Electrical

  • Services

    Design, Development, Branding

  • Year


  • In Development
mcg home design

Empowering the client with customizable and rearrangeable content blocks, the website's robust yet user-friendly CMS, powered by Netlify CMS, puts the client in the driver's seat of their online presence.

mcg page design 1
mcg page design 2
mcg branding

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CH Barons

ch barons hero image